Have you ever experienced workplace stress? I bet you're thinking "Well, who hasn't?"
The alarming statistics are that it's estimated that at least 500,000 of the employed population in Canada are unable to work each week due to a mental health problem or illness (Dewa et al., 2010; Statistics Canada, 2011).
So if you have experienced stress at work, you're right, you're not alone - which actually isn't good news.
Work-related stress that is left unresolved over a long period of time has the potential to develop into burnout. Poor psychosocial working conditions (job stressors) can significantly increase the risk for mental health problems and illnesses (Memish et al., 2017), and it significantly impacts existing mental health problems and illnesses in working adults (Howatt et al., 2018). When work environments are not supportive of staff concerns and efforts, the resulting gap between expectations and reality can further contribute to frustration and stress.
Now, what can you do about it?
1. Advocate for yourself and your coworkers. Ask to receive training about mental health in the workplace.
2. Learn tools to manage your emotions. It's very rare that we were taught that skill as kids, however, it's a very important one! There are many tools available, a few are: Cognitive Behavioural Theraphy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotional Intelligence, Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis. They are easy to learn. My favourite is Emotional Freedom Technique, also called Tapping, because it works, and gives results quickly!
Now, if you're an employer, are you aware that the economic impact of mental illness in Canada is estimated at well over $50 billion each year? According to a 2016 publication from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. this translates to around $1,500 per employee per year on average. That was pre-pandemic...
As an Emotional and Mental Health practitioner, I can teach how to manage emotions by building a tool kit of resources and techniques that are effective and can be learned quickly. I offer one-to-one coaching sessions, in-person group programs and online programs.
My program about mental health in the workplace is highlighted here.
If you're interested in what I do, email me at
lucilla@girottoconsulting.com. I love chatting about mental and emotional health!